There’s loads of armour on the market.
Soft armour, hard armour, hybrid armour, plastic armour, moulded armour, flat armour. At Knox we know there is always room for improvement.
MICRO - LOCK is a huge step forward in the development of a protector that is SMART, SOFT and STABLE, across climates and environments.

Super soft to touch but locks on impact.
Soft, comfortable protectors that totally contour to the body.
Performance across climates and environments.

We must all be familiar with one of the following issues:
Armour becoming jelly when its hot and wondering if its going to do its job?
Getting your bike and jacket out of the garage on a cold morning and your armour is rock solid and frozen
Armour crumbling or breaking down after a year or two.
At Knox, we have tested all types of super soft armour and they are all sensitive to temperature changes. We have also found that this effects the performance and lifespan of the protectors.
In the first test we took the temperature of the protectors down to just below 0 degrees. The result was the protectors became so hard you could hammer a nail into a block of wood with them.
In the second test, we increased the temperature to +45 degrees and found that the performance level of the protectors decreased sharply when impacted.
Knox MICRO-LOCK uses SMART technology
Knox MICRO-LOCK uses SMART technology which keep the armour super soft to touch, but it locks when impacted, keeping the wearer protected. This locking action increases the amount of impact absorbed by the protector, reducing the energy transmission to the limbs and back.
MICRO-LOCK is soft and comfortable protection.
This softness, linked with Micro-Lock’s smart protective qualities, mean we can engineer many shapes and thicknesses so you can find the perfect protector for every garment.

Tough Performance across temperatures and environments
Knox MICRO-LOCK is excellent in performance across temperatures and environments as it is engineered using a unique mix of materials.